The Webmaster !

Name : John Joseph Mercieca
Date of Birth : 26 July 1974

Attended St.Edward's College from 1979 to 1990 and De La Salle College from 1991 to 1993. Having got my A-levels In Computers, Accounts & Economics, I am now opening a computer shop (DATAPADD, Ganu Str, B'Kara, Malta).

I have always been fascinated with space having watched most of the re-runs of The Original Star Trek. Passing on to The Next Generation, and now Deep Space Nine and Voyager, I am an addicted Trekkie. My favourite actors in the series are TOS : Leonard Nimoy aka Spock, TNG : William Frakes aka Riker, DS9 : Armin Shimmerman aka Quark and Terry Farrell aka Jadzia Dax, VOY : Robert Piccardo aka Doc Zimmerman.

Favourite Star Trek films :
Star Trek 4 - The Voyage Home
Deep Space Nine - Prophet Motive

From Science Fiction to Science Fact 'twas but a short leap! And this is how I delved into ufology. Now book after book, video after video, I have come to the conclusion that humanity is not going to boldly go where no man has gone before, if anything we will probably hitch a ride on some alien spacecraft or some third or fourth hand, re-built, reverse-engineered, crashed disc :)

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